Visit Tobaraoi Travel - Kiribati Holidays parent company

Tarawa   Tarawa, located in the Gilberts Group is the capital of Kiribati. It is shaped like a boomerang, and is a chain of interconnecting islets, linked by causeways or bridges, sometimes requiring a canoe or wading to reach the other side. South Tarawa is home to the largest concentration of the population, the seat of government and commercial centres; whereas North Tarawa maintains a more peaceful traditional lifestyle, with I-Kiribati living in bwias and small villages and weaving pandanus mats or harvesting coconuts as part of their daily life. There is no road in parts of North Tarawa.

Bikenibeu hosts a cultural centre showcasing Kiribati history and artifacts, while other areas of Tarawa bear testament to one of the most intense battles of World War II with many war relics still evident.

Cultural tours, war tours, dance floorshows, lagoon sailing and reef fishing are all available in Tarawa.